About Graham



Graham Osborne is a professional nature photographer, biologist and lay catechist. He has a great love for God’s Word and explaining and teaching the Catholic Faith, and has spent the last twenty-five years intensively studying Sacred Scripture and Church teaching.


He has studied at Catholic Pacific College and has taught Scripture and apologetics classes for the Archdiocese of Vancouver’s quarterly Institutes. He gives adult faith conferences courses and retreats nationally, and at parishes around the Archdioceses of Vancouver, Kamloops and Nelson, and also writes the “The Shy Catholic” column for the BC Catholic, which is geared towards explaining and defending the Catholic Faith from Scripture, Tradition, the Catechism and the writings of the Early Church Fathers.


He has also worked as an RCIA coordinator, Baptism Preparation coordinator, Adult Faith Education coordinator, youth and young adult minister (including Confirmation retreats), Permanent Deaconate Formation presenter, Catholics Come Home coordinator, and was appointed to the RCAV Synod Committee on Prayer.


Bio Highlights:


RCIA Coordinator [Star of the Sea Parish, White Rock, BC]

RCIA Team Member, St Mary’s Parish, Chilliwack, BC

RCIA Team Member, St Augustine’s Parish, Vancouver, BC

Baptism Preparation Coordinator [St Mary’s Parish, Chilliwack, BC]

Adult faith Formation Coordinator [St Mary’s Parish, Chilliwack, BC]

Catholics Come Home Coordinator [St Mary’s Parish, Chilliwack, BC]

Catholics Come Home Archdiocesan presenter, Archdiocese of Vancouver

Director of Faith Formation, Agape Street Ministry, Vancouver, BC

Y B Catholic weekend conference: done in over 30 Parishes in Western Canada

Family Conference [1 day] for Immaculate Conception Parish, Delta, BC

Men’s Retreat [3 day] for Archdiocese of Kamloops

Apologetics Conference [Redeemer Pacific College, BC]

4 Day Parish Missions, [3 in Vancouver, 1 in Alberta]

BC CATHOLIC Columnist [The Shy Catholic Column]

Youth and Young Adult Minister, Precious Blood Parish, Cloverdale, & Star of the Sea Parish, White Rock, BC

Taught "Basics of the Faith" for RCAV quarterly Institutes [Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter] for several years

Taught full day "Basics of Sacred Scripture" course for RCAV quarterly Institutes [Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter] for several years

Taught full day Christian Apologetics course for RCAV quarterly Institutes [Office of Catechetics/Evangelization] for several years

Taught full day Apologetics course for Seminarians at Westminster Abbey, BC

Taught full day apologetics course for RCAV Permanent Diaconate Program [2016]

Weekend Confirmation Retreat [2015] Church of the Assumption Parish, Powell River, BC

Adult evening faith talks: approximately 30 to 40 done in parishes around the Archdiocese of Vancouver